Dan Campbell
2 min readNov 3, 2019


“ You really should cast your aspersions elsewhere”

This isn’t about me, it’s about Tulsi, and about Red Flags.

Yes, the Congresswoman is better than the entire field, both Major Parties and in this Election, better than the Green Party candidate.

But she isn’t better than Ron Paul, a couple of Election cycles back. Because, regardless of his disagreeable positions, unlike Tulsi he refused to back the Establishment pick of his Party. He wouldn’t support Romney. He remained true, to the end.

That’s her first strike.

Medicare for All, plus ‘choice’, is her second strike.

Admittedly, her ‘choice’ plan is not necessarily a minus for all of us. But for me, Private Industry should not have any sway over Prisons & Health Care. The incentive is to keep Prisons open, which depends on a fresh supply of Prisoners. Markets prefer monopolies, in spite of their rhetoric, and so Private Medical conglomerates will lobby to water down M4All, as soon as they get a chance.

There’s also her agreement to listen to the alleged ‘whistleblowers’ and go along with the impeachment inquiry, while telling us impeachment is a bad idea.

And finally, preaching transparency and scheduling a private meeting with the industry that is the epitomy of Inequality & the recipients of sweet bail outs.

No. Her direct, abrupt retort to Hillary Clinton will go down in the history books ; that was a Tweet of beauty & power. But her weaknesses should also be acknowledged, as well.

Congresswoman Gabbard is impressive. Up to now, I’ve been donating a hundred a month to her campaign, for the last year. But she doesn’t have the integrity & consistenty of a Ron Paul, a Jesse Ventura, a Jill Stein, or a Ralph Nader. She’ll take longer than Sanders to sell out ; but the result will be the same.

Electoral Politics is NOT the road to permanent, systemic change.



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