Dan Campbell
2 min readApr 28, 2020


“When Mother is all used up it won’t matter, we’ll upload our minds onto computers and launch the computers into space. Computers we made. Rocket ships we made. Then it will all be our creation. Then we can forget about Mother.”

I agree with the entire point of the article, and love Caitlin for saying it. But not this.

Moving past our biological substrate, is a good thing. Even if we dont get that far, anything — like Virtual Reality — that removes the dependence on human beings to satisfy our sex drive, is a good thing.

(Not necessarily uploading our minds. It might be possible, but there are some questions to be answered)

It’s not forgetting about Mothers. It’s forgetting about women as Sex Objects.

When both men and women no longer depend on each other for the release of tension or for physical pleasure, then Women As Objects, as something to scratch an itch, is gone from the human experience forever.

Also gone is Rape — Both legitimate accusations of Rape, and false accusations intended to return a Profit, at the expense of the Male.

If there truly is a force called Love in this universe, then let’s remove all of the competing factors that are sometimes called Love. Remove Wage Labor, and the temptation of saying you Love someone, when it’s really about Convenience.

Remove the need for sex, and you remove the confusion of Love with Attraction.

Hire Robots to clean & cook & build — except in those cases where you actually enjoy those things — and Convenience is no longer on the same playing field as that elusive experience we call Love.

Take away everything that masquarades as Love in human relations, and you’ll have fewer couplings, for sure. Fewer children. But those relationships that are left over, will be there because we WANT connections with that other person ; not because we HAVE to for practical reasons.

Edit: Rather than leaving this post with a disagreement, I should point out that Caitlin is completely correct about the value of Motherhood ; the values of Moms.

While being a male in a family of only women was painful in many ways, I am so glad it was only women, rather than only men. Autism wasn’t well-understood in that era, and it took the nurturing compassion of women, to get me through it without ending my life.

Women are vessels AND lovers AND objects of beauty AND partners AND nurturers AND diaper-changers AND family finance managers AND the beginning of all life. The problem is when we try to identify them with only one of their many roles. If women decided en masse to abdicate all of those roles, we would be screwed as a species before Climate Change deals the final blow.



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