Dan Campbell
2 min readOct 1, 2019


Twitter is one of the things I like about Trump. He has to go of course, but while he’s here, I like that there’s a leader with a semblance of transparency. Someone who doesn’t give a sht what his detractors think, and bluntly speaks his mind, or what’s left of his mind.

The hope is that he’ll say something unintentionally true & revealing. Maybe we’ll never get something that significant in his Tweets. But (I think) he occasionally makes his masters nervous, and that’s as much fun as watching anyone troll.

Also, watching the tribalists go nuts when Trump gets under their feathers & says something stupid or racist, is as much as fun as watching a circus.

Same with Jordan Peterson or Dave Rubin ; TYT’s reactions to any comments they can belittle, is like watching slapstick. You know it’s coming, and that expectation makes the climax that much more gratifying. You don’t have to be a fan of a celebrity, to enjoy seeing them wreck havoc with their enemies.

Until recently, I enjoyed opening & closing Twitter accounts, mainly trolling and supporting an idol here & there. It’s amazing how many times you can sound smart — while spouting nonsense — purely by chance.

In fact, I would say that Trolling is the coolest thing about social media, and about Twitter/Youtube in particular. The pleasures of just saying junk, is totally underrated.

And nearly as enjoyable, was supporting individuals who were hated or misunderstood or even rightly criticized, and pointing out that they were influenced by the same factors that would corrupt any of us.

The paradox of social media is that we **should** focus on policies and ideas and not on personalities — but at the same time, some of the richest pleasures (at least for me), has been pointing out the strengths & humanity of a few people who were dumped on.

After Twitter demanded my phone number because of ‘suspicious behavior’ (I was in the middle of Liking some Elementary CBS tweets), I swore off Twitter altogether. Fk em.

Putting aside the collusion between these social media outlets and the State, we are probably better off to minimize our exposure anyway. Maybe it’s different for different people, but I don’t think that constant Tweeting & paying attention to how many Likes you have, is the healthiest activity a human being can engage in.

Anyway, this is mainly just rambling, thanks for the forum, Caitlin. The most important points are — Trolling is fun and healthy ; stick up for the official Bad Person sometimes ; and Screw You, Twitter.



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