This is something of a surprise. Not that you were threatened ; every celebrity goes through that. But I kind of assumed that psychologically you were numb to it, by now.
Thanks for the clarification.
As far as your fans go, and how you perceive some of them stopping by , and dropping out —
I mentioned recently why I stopped donating regularly, a couple of years back.
But there are also some of us who stop reading Johnstone Tweets & articles, because you’re too prolific. After we become enamored with an idol’s every word, we don’t want to miss out on anything they say. Like playing the lottery — you wanna stop, but this might be the day, and we’ll kick ourselves if the jackpot comes out on the day we take a break.
So we have to place strict limits on Twitter/Medium time, and sometimes that means avoiding the temptation altogether.
Michael Tracy comments fairly frequently on Twitter, but not the same level of comments & retweets that you are able to post. His material can be scrolled through, fairly quickly.
Based on that criteria, Tracey and Lepht Anonym and Peter Joseph are the 3 people I read regularly, even when my Twitter account is closed. Your content is as valuable as Tracey’s, but there’s a cost-benefit equation involved.
So some of us invisible fans, might still be your fans. But time is limited.
Just so you know ; we haven’t all given up on you. It’s not necessarily something you’re doing wrong, or the way you are expressing your convictions.