The restrictions on Journalism are just the beginning. The censorship that Facebook engages in will converge with the forces that want to silence adverserial journalism.
We’d like to blame cowardly journalists for bringing about this state of affairs. But in fact, a large segment of our populataion refuses to engage in evidence-based thinking. They were ok with Alex Jones being censored, and some of them cheer for Julian to be put down. Many of our brothers & sisters & friends & coworkers are complicit.
Eventually, we are looking at a dsytopian Halt on any speech that resembles dissent. And when technology effectively gives us the power to interpret Thoughts accurately, then it’s all over.
One of the few people who MIGHT have it right, is Caitlin. Her comments about humanity ‘waking up’, isn’t far from wishing for divine intervention. Whether there’s a God, or just enormous Human Potential, that kind of hope may be all we have left.