Superpowers — Uhwwwhat I-i-is it Good for? Uh-Absolutely nothin!
Quote from penultimate page in Memoirs of an Invisible Man, by H.F. Saint
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I have very little more to tell you, and very little time. I should have liked to be able to sum up the whole experience for you, to offer you, from my unique vantage point, some valuable insight into the human condition — or at least some greeting more poignant than “You can’t catch me!” The trouble is, I have grown so accustomed to my vantage point, that its uniqueness is lost on me, and although you might hope that an invisible man could offer you some intelligence of an invisible purpose in the world, if it is there, I have not yet found it. No doubt I am looking right at it, and just can’t see it. Like the pattern in the carpet. Like me, for that matter. If I ever work it out, I’ll be sure to let you know.
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Geez. That’s a bummer. If a dude with superpowers can’t figure things out, what chance do the rest of us have? Is it possible that neither power nor wealth nor any of the standards of value we’ve been taught, will give us the answers we seek? Will it give us happiness? Some don’t think so.