I’ve no idea how this showed up in my recommended list, after installing the Medium app.
But one consolation you can consider is
Eye of the Beholder.
If the reason for your low Self Thigh-Esteem is a worry about what other people think, you should note that many leg lovers think that a jiggle is sexy. And many don’t like a thigh gap.
Sorry about your predicament. Nevertheless, thanks for the excuse: the next time I get caught checking out a woman’s legs, I’ll just say I’m say that I’m self-conscious about my own legs.
Heck, we can make it more general. If my wife catches me in a state of delirious awe admiring the incomparably beautiful countenances of Ana Kasparian or Gabriella Pession, I’ll just tell her I’m self-conscious about my fading middle-aged puss.
Anyway, I hope this doesn’t stop you from enjoying the amazing things your body can do, Tracey.