FINALLY somebody states the obvious —
THERE’S NO UPSIDE to implementing UBI to the billionaire class, and yet THEY are the ones who are proposing this. What’s wrong with that picture?
These proposals, which aren’t designed by us, are apparently there to help us. Awwww, isn’t that sweet. But there’s nothing in there, about the benefits to the billionaires making the proposals.
That is NOT how they operate. There is ALWAYS some overall plan, that gives them the lion’s share of the profit & power.
The benefits to our Masters are completely unstated & overlooked, and that’s how we know we’re being bamboozled.
This is so obvious, why hasn’t it been recognized? I don’t get it.
Ya know when Universal Health Care or Unemployment wage increases are proposed, and the Capitalists try to shame us out of it, by saying that “These people just want free stuff”? That’s the emotion that Yang is trying to manipulate — he wants us to think we’re getting free stuff, and that there’s no strings attached.
Ultimately, even if UBI was something that was democratically designed, it’s not going to work in the long term. Money really IS one of the roots of evil, and it has to be completely eliminated from the human condition.
Automation should lead to a more streamlined means of feeding ourselves, without the need for an intermediary medium of exchange. The currency middleman should be taken out of the equation.
Whatever the solution to Automation & loss of jobs is, it isn’t the type of UBI that Yang is talking about.
“but the one thing all the most popular UBI/automation models being promoted by the billionaire class and by Andrew Yang have in common is that none of them seek to fundamentally change the system…”
Yes. They are more afraid of change, than we naturally are. Because real change means that they risk losing their position in the hierarchy. They lose their domination. That’s a frightening dystopia to them, and anything they propose will swerve around that.