Biden isn't going to last long enough, to assemble the silverware on the dinner table.
I'm hoping, albeit unrealistically, that Kamala will surprise us.
It's contrary to common sense, that the sex of a potus is going to make a difference. But the thing is, we've never had a female president in our history.
Maybe Kamala will evolve in a way we don't expect, or inadvertently start to turn things around, because of some dynamic about being a women, that we don't recognize right now.
I'm not betting the farm on it. But I do know that we need to throw in some monkey wrenches, to shake things up, to do things differently.
Plausible reasoning tell us No. Harris has a horrible record, and seems to be a standard obedient war-monger and faux civil rights leaders.
But I just see, in my limited perception, a degree of friendliness (for what that's worth) in her demeanor. And I'm just looking for butterfly effects in our favor.