Although it isn't possible to realistically put ourselves in the shoes of a far more advanced brain, it's entertaining to try.
If I were them, and aware of this civilization, I definitely wouldn't step in to save us as a species. But I might save a few decent individuals.
From our vantage point, selecting who to save is a hopeless task. There are too many extenuating circumstances for why we're mean to each other, or cruel to other life forms including our own selves. It's impossible to measure who are truly the good guys/girls, and the bad ones.
So it would require a higher level of intelligence and big-data processing software to determine who might be worth saving.
All I can say, is if someone put a box in front of me (human me right now, not the projected advanced alien intelligence) with two buttons labeled Save the Human Race, or Destroy the Human Race, I wouldn't touch either button. I'd walk away, and leave us to our fates.
Fck us.