Dan Campbell
2 min readJul 1, 2019


Although Caitlin’s main point is about the War Machine, Tulsi’s opposition to it, and the dastardly ‘Isolationist’ label, I LOVE more than anything that Tulsi is helping to dismantle the categories that serve to direct our thinking & behavior into acceptable containers.

Ron Paul threatened to do that, to some extent. His Republican buddies (none of whom were morally fit to share the stage with Doctor Paul) didn’t know what to do with the apparent contradiction of a member of their party refusing to go along with the accepted militarism. So some of them ‘punished’ him by saying he wasn’t really a Republican. Waaaah!

Tulsi is all over the map, and can’t really be pinned down at all to a single label with all the reflexive connations. She’s using the machinery of the Democratic Party to spread her message, yes ; but she cares more about Universal Health Care than the rest of the leadership in her party.

She won’t allow false flags to enter into military decisions, even when they’re coached in the language of Human Rights. She can’t possibly be a Democrat, if she refuses to bomb a leader who might have gassed his own people, whether or not we proof of that.

She refuses to blame everything on Trump, or to promote his defeat as a panacea. In fact, she doesn’t even believe in being ‘mean’ to leaders that we don’t like, in general. Diplomacy and person-to-person discussions first ; War as an absolute last resort.

Who does she think she is?

This woman simply doesn’t fit. And yet, she’s the most searched for candidate on Google.

Whatever else she accomplishes, part of Tulsi’s legacy will be to break apart some of the auxiliary tools of the official narrative that enslaves so many. She will help to expose political categories as useless and vacuous, at best.

That’s just another important & inevitable step in freeing us from the BS.

It’s also a step towards finding out who we really are, something that is also on the horizon. Spoiler Alert: We ain’t Democrats or Republicans, even if we want to be.



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